One of the simpler programs is called Combine PDFs Based On Filenames, but it requires a fixed number of leading characters. I've written several programs for clients to do this, but each one is slightly different based on each customer's unique requirements. In other words, in your example above, it would combine/merge: Your browser will take you to a Web page URL associated with that DOI name. Type or paste a DOI name into the text box. Subscribe and SAVE, give a gift subscription or get help with an existing subscription by clicking the links below each cover image.

Build up a list of file names with the matching first characters and then feed the list to PDFtk with the cat command, naming the output file with the characters before the underscore. Dongle Emulation Service for any software.

Write a program that looks for a match on the first three characters of the file names - or on all the characters in the file name before an underscore (needed if the file names can be a varying number of characters before the underscore). I just tested it with the input files and the two required PDFtk files (pdftk.exe and libiconv2.dll) residing in the same folder and it worked perfectly. You'll need to handle paths and the location of PDFtk, but other than that, the above works. Confirm that you want to cancel your subscription. Here's the simple approach: off set /p fn=Enter the output filename: pdftk file1.pdf file2.pdf cat output %fn%.pdf del file1.pdf del file2.pdf Click the 'Cancel Subscription' button at the end of the page. You can make it as fancy or as simple as you want. The rest of the batch file would be getting the output file name and deleting the source files. Pdftk file1.pdf file2.pdf cat output outputfile.pdf Here's the one-line solution using PDFtk: I don't know why they called it that, but it's just an EXE with a DLL that runs on XP, Vista, W7, and W8 (it does not have to run on a "server" OS.it also runs on Mac, but I've never used it on that). Select your reason for cancelling and decide if you'd like to cancel your account or pauseit and save your data for 25.00 monthlyinstead, if you're planning on returning. Scroll down to the bottom on your account details and select 'cancel account'. The command line version is called PDFtk Server and may be downloaded here: ĭon't be misled by "Server" in the name. Go to your settings and click on 'my account'. It comes in both command line and GUI versions. :: based on the syntax of your chosen merge utility.įor /l %%N in (1 1 !cnt!) do set list=!list! -f "!pdf.I recommend using the the PDF Toolkit (PDFtk), an excellent (free!) product that has numerous features to manipulate PDFs.
:: Below is code to build a hypothetical file list to be used on :: file list contained in pdf.1 through pdf.!cnt! :: This routine should build the command line to merge the current

:: for any other path, LOC should include \ at endįor /f "tokens=1,* delims=." %%A in ("%%~nF") do ( :: for current directory, LOC should be empty (or. :: loop should work no matter what utility you choose. :: and then calls :merge for each unique set of files. :: This initial loop determines which files need to be merged The concept will definitely work, but it may need some debugging) off
Once you figure out how to use the command line interface of your utility of choice, you can use a batch file like the one below to dynamically build your list of files to merge. There are many other utilities out there, most of them for a fee.
Make sure you get the free utility offered by this site and not the competitor's solution that is advertised on the same site. A Google search found - a site that offers a free PDF merge utility that has a command line interface (as well as a GUI).