So the young man asked, “No more sticky on the stove? No more water on the door? No more shoes to the floor?” When the two soldiers promised that they would stop, the houseboy said, “Okay, no more spit in the soup!” (Stedman, Ray. Consequently, the soldiers started feeling guilty and finally apologized to the young man and promised to stop. As a result, he had to remove the nails in order to wear his shoes. One day they nailed his house shoes to the floor.

On another occasion, the soldiers put a bucket of water over the door so that when he entered the house, he would get wet. The next morning when the young man attempted to turn on the stove, his fingers slipped off the handles because of the Vaseline. So one day they put Vaseline on the stove handles. These two soldiers liked to play practical jokes. Two soldiers had hired a young man to cook and clean their rented house. Ray Stedman describes an event that occurred in South Korea in March 1977. Some would say, “I do not get angry I just get an eye for an eye.” The statement, “I do not get angry I just get even” is a well-known phrase. The words of the passage are “An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.” These eleven words have been used to justify capital punishment, revenge, and angry hearts. It is quoted in secular books, printed in magazines, criticized by some, and yet practiced around the world. It is a familiar passage to both Christians and non-Christians. This study is about one of the most misused and abused passages in the Sermon on the Mount.